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    Monday, March 19, 2018

    Healthy Benefits of Yogurt Consumption

    Yogurt has been in man's list of food for how many years. It is a dairy product made from the bacterial fermentation of milk. It may sound a bit unappetizing, but most people recognize yogurt as a great dairy treat suitable for their breakfast meal, as a snack or a dessert.

    This food is rich in nutrients that contribute healthful benefits. You'll just eat with its tangy taste and you'll be loaded with benefits. Some of its health benefits will be presented and you'll never skip eating yogurt.

    1. Weight Loss. There is a study by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville that found out the connection between the loss of stomach fat and 18 ounces of yogurt in a person's food intake. The calcium found in yogurt induces weight loss by triggering fat cells. In other words, the calcium intake from yogurt helps the body to burn body fat rather than stores it and exposes your belly fat. How convenient is that? Everyone wants to get rid of their belly fat as easy as possible. This is one way to reduce it.

    2. Enhance digestion and immune system. The word "bacteria" is associated with something that is harmful to the body; yogurt actually contains "good" bacteria. Fermented products, like yogurt, with active and live cultures, contain probiotics, living microorganisms that are beneficial to the body. These probiotics found in yogurt are especially beneficial to the body's digestive tract and can also help strengthen the immune system.

    3. Good for muscle recovery. Yogurt contains a good amount of protein that is a great snack after a hard workout. Protein provides the amino acids necessary for muscles to repair. The carbohydrates that are found in yogurt can help replace the muscles' energy stores that have been lost after strenuous workout or activity.

    4. Reduce effects of Osteoporosis. The combination of calcium and vitamin D found in yogurt is the key factor. People suffering from osteoporosis have increased risk of bone fracture that is why this nutrient should be taken to prevent further damage. The calcium in yogurt helps strengthens the bones, while the vitamin D helps the body with calcium absorption.

    5. Maintains normal blood pressure. Dr. Alvaro Alonso, of the department of epidemiology at the Harvard School of Public Health, states that there is a 50 percent reduction in the risk of developing high blood pressure among people who ate two to three servings of yogurt a day, compared with those without any dairy intake. We all know that high blood pressure can affect our heath conditions and it triggers other health problem. It is best to make our blood pressure at the normal range by including yogurt in our meal.
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    Item Reviewed: Healthy Benefits of Yogurt Consumption Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Marjovelle Nepacena
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