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    Sunday, April 1, 2018

    Top 5 cancer-causing foods

    One of the basic needs of human is food. Food gives us energy to survive the everyday life. However, not all foods are good for our body as some are dangerous that it might cause a life threatening disease like cancer.

    Cancer is considered to be a chronic disease majorly characterized by out-of-control cell growth and according to World Health organization (WHO) is one of the leading causes of death worldwide. Studies proved that diet is a leading cause of cancer so if we are not careful of our food intake, we are susceptible to having cancer.

    The following are some of the cancer causing foods that we need to avoid:

    1.) Processed meat. Processed food like meat contains chemical preservatives and one of the chemicals is acrylamide. According to Coghlan (2006) that it is a potent cancer-causing chemical and half of the acrylamide people ingest are from the processed food.

    2.) Microwave popcorn. Cited in Oaklander (2015), Yifang Zhu who is a well-known associate professor of UCLA Fielding School of Public Health says that heating a bag of popcorn may come with health risks because of the emitted fine and ultra-fine particles. Kristin Kirkpatrick, a registered dietician who heads the Wellness Nutrition Services at Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute adds that it is better and healthier to pop the kernels yourself than to buy popcorn from a bag.

    3.) Hydrogenated oils. It is commonly used to preserve processed foods and keep them to stay for a longer period of time. Nevertheless hydrogenated oils have some chemical reaction that change the structure and flexibility of cell membranes throughout the body, which eventually lead to a host of debilitating diseases such as cancer.

    4.) Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). GMOs change the natural growth of the genetic material (DNA) of the plant. GMOs and the chemicals used to grow them have been shown to cause rapid tumor growth. Genetically modified foods are everywhere including corn, soybeans, tomatoes, and etc. The best way to avoid GMOs is to have your own garden and choose foods that are certified organic.

    5.) Farmed fish. Farmed fishes are given medicines like antibiotics to treat the disease caused by the crowded condition of the fishes in an area. Pesticides are used to get rid of sea lice and it takes years for these pesticides to decay so usually these are concentrated as fats of many marine life. According to studies conducted by Environmental Working Group, they have found that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) a cancer-causing chemical exist in farmed fish like salmon.

    The video will give us more information what are the cancer-causing foods.

    These cancer-causing foods can be knowingly or unknowingly be included in our daily diet. Health is wealth that is why we need to take care of our body through the foods that we eat. According to White (1938) health is a treasure. God has given as life so it is a terrible sin to abuse our health; such abuses enfeeble us for life and make us losers. We must be careful of our body learning from what we can observe.
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    Item Reviewed: Top 5 cancer-causing foods Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Marjovelle Nepacena
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